FAQs. Prescribing, supply and administration of botulinum toxins and other injectables.
As 2020 comes to an end, we at MyPharmacyspace aesthetics have been looking back at the queries and questions we have been dealing with from aesthetics practitioners this year.
A number of questions from practitioners this year were asked about botulinium toxins and other injectable medicines interms of prescribing, supply and administration.
A useful reference resource which new and existing practitioners may find useful was the MHRA guidance note published in 2014. The FAQ covers many aspects regarding the prescribing, supply and administration of botulinum toxins and other injectable medicines outside their licensed medicinal uses such as in cosmetic procedures.
The Specialist Pharmacy Service website has noted that whilst the MHRA information is hosted on MHRA archives, the MHRA has confirmed that these records remain relevant and in date.